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__ Budget Development Footage and Stope Count

 Item — Cabinet: 13
Scope and Contents From the Collection:

The Homestake Mining Company Maps and Blueprints Collection contains a wide variety of maps, drawings, blueprints, and other documents relating to the company's operation. Blueprints consist of machines the Homestake Mining Company used and the buildings that they built. This collection also contains various geological, metallurgical, and engineering maps of the mine.

Dates: 1877 - 2007

__Budget Development Footage and Stope Count

 Item — Cabinet: 13
Scope and Contents From the Collection:

The Homestake Mining Company Maps and Blueprints Collection contains a wide variety of maps, drawings, blueprints, and other documents relating to the company's operation. Blueprints consist of machines the Homestake Mining Company used and the buildings that they built. This collection also contains various geological, metallurgical, and engineering maps of the mine.

Dates: 1877 - 2007

00-65-000 -- Rev.1 -- Homestake Mining Company-McLaughlin Gold Project-Lake County,California - Simplified Flowsheet, 1983-10-24

 Item — Cabinet: 13, Drawer: 8
Scope and Contents From the Collection:

The Homestake Mining Company Maps and Blueprints Collection contains a wide variety of maps, drawings, blueprints, and other documents relating to the company's operation. Blueprints consist of machines the Homestake Mining Company used and the buildings that they built. This collection also contains various geological, metallurgical, and engineering maps of the mine.

Dates: 1983-10-24

00-65-001 -- Rev. 5 -- Homestake Mining Company-McLaughlin Gold Project-Lake County,California - Grinding Flowsheet, 1983-10-24

 Item — Cabinet: 13, Drawer: 8
Scope and Contents From the Collection:

The Homestake Mining Company Maps and Blueprints Collection contains a wide variety of maps, drawings, blueprints, and other documents relating to the company's operation. Blueprints consist of machines the Homestake Mining Company used and the buildings that they built. This collection also contains various geological, metallurgical, and engineering maps of the mine.

Dates: 1983-10-24

00-65-002 -- Rev. 5 -- Homestake Mining Company-McLaughlin Gold Project-Lake County,California - Thickening,Storage and Pipeline Flowsheet, 1983-10-24

 Item — Cabinet: 13, Drawer: 8
Scope and Contents From the Collection:

The Homestake Mining Company Maps and Blueprints Collection contains a wide variety of maps, drawings, blueprints, and other documents relating to the company's operation. Blueprints consist of machines the Homestake Mining Company used and the buildings that they built. This collection also contains various geological, metallurgical, and engineering maps of the mine.

Dates: 1983-10-24

00-65-003A -- Homestake Mining Company-McLaughlin Gold Project-Lake County,California - OxidationFlowsheet - sheet 1 of 2, 1983-10-24

 Item — Cabinet: 13, Drawer: 8
Scope and Contents From the Collection:

The Homestake Mining Company Maps and Blueprints Collection contains a wide variety of maps, drawings, blueprints, and other documents relating to the company's operation. Blueprints consist of machines the Homestake Mining Company used and the buildings that they built. This collection also contains various geological, metallurgical, and engineering maps of the mine.

Dates: 1983-10-24

00-65-003B -- Homestake Mining Company-McLaughlin Gold Project-Lake County,California - Oxidation Flowsheet - Sheet 2 of 2, 1983-10-24

 Item — Cabinet: 13, Drawer: 8
Scope and Contents From the Collection:

The Homestake Mining Company Maps and Blueprints Collection contains a wide variety of maps, drawings, blueprints, and other documents relating to the company's operation. Blueprints consist of machines the Homestake Mining Company used and the buildings that they built. This collection also contains various geological, metallurgical, and engineering maps of the mine.

Dates: 1983-10-24

00-65-004 Rev.5 -- Homestake Mining Company-McLaughlin Gold Project,Lake County, California-CCD and Neutralization Flowsheet, 1983-10-24

 Item — Cabinet: 13, Drawer: 8
Scope and Contents From the Collection:

The Homestake Mining Company Maps and Blueprints Collection contains a wide variety of maps, drawings, blueprints, and other documents relating to the company's operation. Blueprints consist of machines the Homestake Mining Company used and the buildings that they built. This collection also contains various geological, metallurgical, and engineering maps of the mine.

Dates: 1983-10-24

00-65-005 -- Rev.7 -- Homestake Mining Company-McLaughlin Gold Project,Lake County, California - Precipitation & Reclaim Treatment Flowsheet, 1983-10-24

 Item — Cabinet: 13, Drawer: 8
Scope and Contents From the Collection:

The Homestake Mining Company Maps and Blueprints Collection contains a wide variety of maps, drawings, blueprints, and other documents relating to the company's operation. Blueprints consist of machines the Homestake Mining Company used and the buildings that they built. This collection also contains various geological, metallurgical, and engineering maps of the mine.

Dates: 1983-10-24

00-65-006 -- Rev. 5 -- Homestake Mining Company-McLaughlin Gold Project , Lake County, California - Leaching Flowsheet, 1983-10-24

 Item — Cabinet: 13, Drawer: 8
Scope and Contents From the Collection:

The Homestake Mining Company Maps and Blueprints Collection contains a wide variety of maps, drawings, blueprints, and other documents relating to the company's operation. Blueprints consist of machines the Homestake Mining Company used and the buildings that they built. This collection also contains various geological, metallurgical, and engineering maps of the mine.

Dates: 1983-10-24

Filter Results

Additional filters:

Geology 9215
Geology Plan Maps 5950
Property / Structures 4808
Surface Shafts, Crushing Plants and Tramway 4633
Metallurgical 3764
∨ more
Underground Mine Infrastructures / Operations 2892
Equipment 2836
Geological cross sections 2803
Land 2629
Surface Support Buildings and Facilites 1676
Winzes 1244
Mobile Equipment 1169
South Mill (Lead, S.D.) 1098
HMC Departments 1036
Lead Deadwood Water Systems 1026
Surveys 876
Sand Treatment Plant and Cynanidation 706
Townsite Agreements / Plats / Maps 653
Wastewater Treatment Pants 429
Refinery / Refining 400
Electrical 385
Construction projects 382
Ventilation 372
Hydroelectric power plants 359
Open Cut 335
Miscellaneous 325
Other Homestake Operations 321
Pumps 272
Assay Office 264
Conveyor System 246
Six Week Plan Maps: Division 1 242
Mining Methods 229
Miscellaneous Buildings 217
Carbon-in-Pulp Plant 212
Grizzly Gulch Tailings Storage Facility 164
Diamond Drilling 161
Human Resources / Personnel 160
Health and Safety 159
Blueprints 150
Rock Mechanics / Seismic Reports 150
Lead (S.D.) 141
Bulldog Mine (Creede, Colo.) 139
Development 135
Wyodak Mine (Gillette, Wyoming) 130
Mineral Survey Plats 128
Bore Holes 118
Hospitals 106
Rope 95
Sawmills 93
Mine Office 92
Stamp Mills and Amalgamation 85
Open Cut (Lead, S.D.) 75
Blacksmith Shop 73
Rod Mill 73
Vertical Crater Retreat (VCR) 73
Thickeners 67
Compressors 66
Environmental Control 66
Ball mills 62
Flag Rocks Shop 60
Rope House 60
Automobile repair shops 56
Deep Level Project 56
Raises 55
Homestake Permits 52
Slime Plant (Deadwood, S.D.) 49
Drills 48
Ore Estimates 44
Homestake Hospital 43
Double Rainbow Mine (Galena, South Dakota) 41
Kirk Power Plant (S.D.) 41
Water Rights / Water Claims 40
Slurry Pumphouse 38
Bender Park (Lead, S.D.) 36
Foundries 33
Crusher Plant 32
Machine Shop 32
Surveys - Surface 32
Accounting 30
Belle Fourche River (Wyo. and S.D.) 29
Bridges 29
Meade County (S.D.) 29
Ore Reserve Calculations 29
Regrind Plant 26
Mechanical 21
West Main Street (Lead, S.D.) 18
Engineering 17
Floor plans 16
OCF (Open Cut-and-Fill) 16
Jubilee Celebration 15
Spearfish Creek (S.D.) 15
Special Events 15
Regrinding Plant 14
Powder magazines 13
Subsidence Surveys / Records 12
Timber Lands 12
Topographic maps 12
Cable Bolting 11
Carbon-in-Pulp 11
Grizzly Gulch (S.D.) 11
∧ less
English 1
Homestake Mining Company 248
Homestake Mining Company. Engineering Department 217
South Dakota. Department of Transportation. Division of Highways 40
United States. Federal Highway Administration 40
Heinen, C.N. 37
∨ more
Bell, Galyardt, and Associates (Rapid City, S.D.) 11
Cappa, P.D. 8
Lee, R. 7
Sliper, Robert J. 5
Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad Company 4
Johnson, J.D. 4
Yates, Bruce Clinton 4
Fraser, R.S. 3
Horizons, Inc. (Rapid City, S.D.) 3
Polley, C.A. 3
Burlington Northern Railroad Company 2
Homestake Mining Company. Geology Department 2
Homestake Mining Company. Mechanical Department 2
Mastrovich, A. 2
Mullaney, Bendict P. 2
Sliper, Harold 2
Allen, Daisy W. 1
Allen, Henry G. 1
Arleth, John M. 1
Aspen, Robert 1
Bayley, Richard W. 1
Berry, S. 1
Bertolero, Catherine V. 1
Black Hills Power and Light Company 1
Boggs, J.E. 1
Chicago and North Western Railway Company 1
Coolidge, A.L. 1
Corkins, Merton 1
Curnow, Ingeborg M. 1
Curran, E.C. 1
Danguvich, Steve, Mrs. 1
Davis, Lester 1
Dryer, Ed 1
Eidsness, Alvin 1
Eidsness, Beulah 1
Eidsness, Melvin 1
Erickson, Bruce E. 1
Gatenby, Carolyne N. 1
Gaughen, C.P. 1
Gaughen, Richard G.L. 1
Glover, Thomas A. 1
Harder, James O. 1
Hayes, C.W. 1
Hill, Ray 1
Hills, F. Allan 1
Homestake Ladies' Auxiliary (1910-1989) 1
Homestake Mining Company. Accounting Department 1
Homestake Mining Company. Construction Department 1
Homestake Mining Company. Legal Department 1
Homestake Mining Company. Lumber and Timber Department 1
Homestake Mining Company. Medical Department 1
Homestake Mining Company. Metallurgical Department 1
Homestake Mining Company. Mining Department 1
Homestake Mining Company. Personnel Department 1
Homestake Mining Company. Public Relations Department 1
Homestake Mining Company. Purchasing Department 1
Homestake Mining Company. Recreation Department 1
Homestake Mining Company. Safety Department 1
Homestake Mining Company. Transportation Department 1
Horton, Robert E. 1
Hunter, Ida 1
Hutton, J.A. 1
Juso, Beverly 1
Juso, Edwin 1
Kellar, K. 1
Knodel, Phillip 1
Kravig, C.N. 1
La Bau, Lowell 1
Lackso, Everett 1
Lawrence, Richard 1
Lead Country Club (Lead (S.D.)) 1
Long, Dale E. 1
Lowry, Mrs. 1
Mason, H. 1
McDonald, Larry 1
Middleton, D.M. "Slapsy" 1
Nevin, Hattie 1
Oleson 1
Pascoe, H. 1
Pinske, Elizabeth 1
Radman, Mike 1
Regan, R. 1
Richards, William Albert 1
Richardson 1
Robertson, Eugene C. 1
Ross, E.G. 1
Rossio, Mary 1
Sackerson, John 1
Scherer, Henry 1
Schultz, Leonard G. 1
Siltvan, Esther 1
Sliper, H.J. 1
Slowey, Leslie 1
Sorenson, Elmer 1
South Dakota National Guard 1
∧ less