Box 1
Contains 145 Results:
A-1-072B -- Plat Showing Permitted Ground at 217 Miners Ave., 1965-03-04
Drawn by: CNH
Scale: 1" = 20'
Drawing features an area with a building outline labeled as "217" on Miners Avenue in Lead, South Dakota. There is an additional lot and building outline on the map with a note that states "Lot permitted to 307 Miners Ave." Also featured on this drawing is M.S. 487 Elephant Lode and M.S. 582 Gordon Lode.
A-1-073A -- Plat Showing Permitted Ground at 217 and 307 Miners Avenue, 1962-04-10
Drawn by: CNH
Scale: 1" = 20'
Drawing features an area with three lots and two building outlines labeled as "307" and "217" on Miners Avenue in Lead, South Dakota. There is a note that states "Note: See A-1-72B for description of lot at 217 Miners. Also featured on this drawing is M.S. 487 Elephant Lode and M.S. 582 Gordon Lode.
A-1-073B -- Plat Showing Lot at 439 Golden Gate, Located West of Central City, 1978-03-17
Drawn by: C.N. Heinen
Scale: 1" = 20'
Drawing features an area with two outlines buildings labeled as "439" and "2 stall garage" on Golden Gate Street or Road. The Drawing is signed by Robert J. Slipper, Registered Land Surveyor No. 2505, and has his seals stamped onto the document. Also featured on the drawing is M.S. 69 Blecher.
A-1-074 -- Plat Showing Permitted Ground at 319 and 403 E. Summit St., 1961-11-27
Drawn by: CNH
Scale: 1" = 20'
Drawing features three lots with four building outlines labeled as "319", "403", and "Shed" on East Summit Street and Canyon Street in Lead, South Dakota. Also featured on the drawing is M.S. 258 Evening Star, M.S. 723 Comet, and M.S. 514 Crown Point.
A-1-074A -- Plat Showing Permitted Ground at 149 Terraville Ave., 1962-04-16
Drawn by: CNH
Scale: 1" = 20'
Drawing features an area with two building outlines labeled as "149" and "Garage // 12' x 24'" on Terraville Avenue in Lead, South Dakota. Also featured on this drawing is M.S. 512 Moulton Lode and M.S. 277 Wilson.
A-1-075 -- Plat Showing Garage Permits 57,58 and 59 on Fox Street, 1962-03-17
Drawing by: C.N. Heinen
Scale: 1" = 20'
Drawing features an area with three buildings labeled as "Garage Permit No. 57", "Garage Permit No. 58", and "Garage Permit No. 59" on Lot 2, Block 4, of the Washington Addition on Fox Street. The drawing states that the sidewalk next to Fox Street is wooden. Also featured on the drawing is M.S. 798, M.S. 234 Amended Survey, and M.S. 122 Clara Nevada Lode.
A-1-075A -- Plat Showing Permitted Ground at 809 Addie St., 1962-05-08
Drawn by: CNH
Scale: 1" = 20'
Drawing features an area with two building outlines labeles as "Garage" and "809" on Addie Street in Lead, South Dakota. Also featured on the drawing is M.S. 741 Acme Lode.
A-1-075B -- Plat Showing Permitted Ground at 306 Miners Ave and to City of Lead, S.D. for Turnaround, 1962-09-24
Drawn by: CNH
Scale: 1" = 20'
Drawing features an area that has three building outlines labeled as "Garage", "Shed", and "306" on Miners Avenue in Lead, South Dakota. Also in this area is a section of land labeled as "Permit to City for Turnaround." Also featured is M.S. 487 Elephant Lode and M.S. 582 Gordon Lode.
A-1-076 -- Plat Showing Permitted Ground at 424 S. Main St., 1962-06-09
A-1-076A -- Plat Showing Permitted Lot at 310 Miners Ave., 1962-09-24
Drawn by: CNH
Scale: 1" = 20'
Drawing features an area with two building outlines labeled as "310" and "Garage" on Miners Avenue in Lead, South Dakota. The area also features a lot that is labeled as "City Lot Turnaround." Also featured is M.S. 205 Mountain Rose, M.S. 487 Elephant, and M.S. 582 Gordon. Hand written on the bottom of the drawing is "Surface Title (Quit Claim Deed)." Written in pencil above building outline labeled as "310" is "Henry Schereer."