Found in 3764 Collections and/or Records:
D-32-134 -- Metalurgical Department Slime Line from Cya. Sheet 3, to 60' Thickener- Steel Details, 1957-06-01
Sheet 6
D-32-134 -- Metalurgical Department Slime Line Trestle. Cya. Sheet 3 to 60' Thickener- Steel Details, 1957-06-01
Sheet 5
D-32-134 -- Metalurgical Department Walkway from Slime Line Trestle to Triplex Pump Loc., 1957-05-28
Sheet 4
D-32-135 -- Metallurgical Department East Sand Pl. Pump Room Add. Plans, Elevations & Details, 1957-05-27
The Homestake Mining Company Maps and Blueprints Collection contains a wide variety of maps, drawings, blueprints, and other documents relating to the company's operation. Blueprints consist of machines the Homestake Mining Company used and the buildings that they built. This collection also contains various geological, metallurgical, and engineering maps of the mine.
D-32-137 -- Metallurgical Dept. Steel Trestle for Water & Slime Lines, 1957-10-14
The Homestake Mining Company Maps and Blueprints Collection contains a wide variety of maps, drawings, blueprints, and other documents relating to the company's operation. Blueprints consist of machines the Homestake Mining Company used and the buildings that they built. This collection also contains various geological, metallurgical, and engineering maps of the mine.
D-32-141 -- Metallurgical Department Hil lThickener Pipe Trestle Bottom Stair Details, 1958-08-06
Sheet 15
D-32-141 -- Metallurgical Department Hill Thickener Pipe Trestle Steel Details, 1958-07-24
Sheet 14
D-32-141 -- Metallurgical Department Hill Thickener Trestle Bent Details, 1958-06-17
Sheet 13
D-32-141 -- Metallurgical Department Hill Thickener Trestle Steel Details, 1958-05-15
Sheet 2
D-32-141 -- Metallurgical Department Hill Thickener Trestle Steel Details, 1958-05-16
Sheet 3