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Showing Collections: 11 - 20 of 40

Hat Creek Oil Company Records

Identifier: 5015

The Hat Creek Oil Company Records consists primarily of correspondence sent to and from the company’s owners, B.C. Yates, L.M. McBride, and Ralph Bonney. The collection also includes mineral and mining lease paperwork, agreements, payroll information, and newspaper clippings. The materials are dated between 1913 and 1918 with the bulk of documents dating from the time period that the company was active, between May 1917 and June 1918.

Dates: Majority of material found within Bulk, 1917-1918; 1913-1918

Homestake Annual Reports

Identifier: 5003

The Homestake Mining Company operated from 1877-2001. The annual reports were created by the accounting department in order to provide an overview of the financial earnings each year for the company's shareholders. In the earlier years, the reports include basic financial information and statements from the management. As the mine grew into a larger and more financially viable operation, the reports grew more detailed to reflect that change.

Dates: 1897-2002

Homestake Assays and Ore Reserve Records

Identifier: 5030

The Homestake Assay and Ore Reserve Records consist of assay records, ore estimates, and reports. Materials from 1895 through 2000 are present in the collection with the bulk of the material dating from 1940 through 1998. The collection also contains graphs that were at one time, framed and matted by the Homestake Mining Company.

Dates: 1895 - 2000; Majority of material found within 1940 - 1998

Homestake Buildings and Community Facilities

Identifier: 5016

The Buildings and Community Facilities Collection is an artificial collection that includes records and maps related to Homestake Mining Company's construction of employee housing and community facilities such as parks, schools, and hotels in the Black Hills. The collection also contains records of construction work for operations outside of South Dakota. The bulk of records are from the 1930s.

Dates: Majority of material found within Bulk, 1933-1935; 1924-1996

Homestake Employee Collection

Identifier: 5011

The Homestake Employee Collection is an artificial collection which consists primarily of individual employee records from the 1920s through the early 1990s. The collection also includes information on insurance and other benefits available to Homestake employees and reports on employee numbers.

Dates: 1920 - 2006; Majority of material found in 1938 - 1996

Homestake Geology Department Papers

Identifier: 5035

The Homestake Geology Department Papers consist of documents, rock samples, and thin sections from 1903 to 2005. Materials include geologic, stope, diamond drilling maps and drawings; reports, correspondence, ledgers, and indexes that represent the functions and activities of the Geology Department.

Dates: 1903 - 2005

Homestake Ladies' Auxiliary Records

Identifier: 5012

This collection primarily consists of the administrative and financial records of the Homestake Aid Auxiliary. The collection includes financial and membership records, correspondence, meeting minutes, accounting of dues received, photographs, and receipts paid to local businesses. These records span the years of 1910–1989.

Dates: 1910 - 1989

Homestake Mining Company Maps and Blueprints Collection

Identifier: 5043

The Homestake Mining Company Maps and Blueprints Collection contains a wide variety of maps, drawings, blueprints, and other documents relating to the company's operation.

Dates: 1877 - 2007

Homestake Mining Company Water Department Records

Identifier: 5042
Abstract The Homestake Mining Department handled Homestake’s water system which supplied water for mining and milling operations, and for domestic use of Homestake’s water. Homestake’s water service area covered Lead, Deadwood, Central City-Blackstone area, and Pluma. The Homestake Mining Company Water Department records contain documentation related to the Lead Water Project from the 1990s, documentation related to the construction of the Wastewater Treatment Plant in the 1980s, and general records...
Dates: Majority of material found within 1890 - 2003

Homestake Public Affairs and Publications collection

Identifier: 5007

This collection contains documents and media created or collected by the Homestake Mining Company’s Public Affairs Department (a division of Employee Relations) and other promotional, outreach, and publication materials created and collected by Homestake between 1879 and 2001. The bulk of the records date from 1939 to 2001. The collection includes scrapbooks, newspaper clippings, publications, advertisements, and newsletters.

Dates: 1879-2001

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Lead (S.D.) 7
Black Hills (S.D. and Wyo.) 4
Correspondence 3
Maps 3
Nemo (S.D.) 3
∨ more
Ranches 3
Wyoming 3
Accounting 2
Assaying 2
Bear Butte (S.D. : Mountain) 2
Belle Fourche (S.D.) 2
Belle Fourche River (Wyo. and S.D.) 2
Black Hills National Forest (S.D. and Wyo.) 2
Central City (S.D.) 2
Clippings (Books, newspapers, etc.) 2
Colorado 2
Core drilling 2
Dairy farming 2
Drill core analysis 2
Drill cores 2
Drilling and boring 2
Geology 2
Gold mines and mining 2
Grizzly Gulch (S.D.) 2
Hydroelectric Plant No. 1 2
Hydroelectric power plants 2
Kirk Power Plant (S.D.) 2
Maitland (S.D.) 2
Mine surveying 2
Mines and mineral resources 2
Prospecting 2
Rock-drills -- Diamond drilling 2
Spearfish (S.D.) 2
Spearfish Canyon (S.D.) 2
Thin sections (Geology) 2
Whitewood Creek (S.D.) 2
Adams Museum (Deadwood, S.D.) 1
Aerial photography 1
Aladdin (Wyo.) 1
Alzada (Mont.) 1
Animals 1
Australia 1
Automobiles 1
Banks and banking 1
Baseball 1
Battle Mountain Sanitarium (Hot Springs, S.D.) 1
Bear Butte Creek (S.D.) 1
Bears 1
Beetles 1
Beulah (Wyo.) 1
Birds 1
Bison 1
Black Hills National Cemetery (S.D.) 1
California 1
Canada 1
Cemeteries 1
Cheyenne (Wyo.) 1
Cheyenne River (Wyo. and S.D.) 1
Christmas 1
Corporation reports 1
Crook County (Wyo.) 1
Cyanide Plant No. 3 1
Dakota Territory 1
Deadwood (S.D.) 1
Deadwood Creek (S.D) 1
Deadwood Ditch 1
Deadwood Gulch 1
Drugstores 1
Electricity 1
Ellsworth Air Force Base (S.D.) 1
Englewood (S.D.) 1
Englewood Hydro-Electric Plant (S.D.) 1
Finance 1
Fires 1
Flagrock Formation 1
Floor plans 1
Forest fires 1
Forests and forestry 1
Geochemistry 1
Gillette (Wyo.) 1
Gold 1
Hauber Mine (Wyo.) 1
Hidden Fortune Mine (S.D.) 1
Hidden Treasure Group Mine (S.D.) 1
Homestake Formation 1
Homestake Slime Plant (Deadwood, S.D.) 1
Hughes County (S.D.) 1
Hydroelectric Plant No. 2 1
Insects 1
Iron Hill Mine (S.D.) 1
Kicking Horse Mine (S.D.) 1
Labor Day 1
Labor unions 1
Lawsuits 1
Mexico 1
Mine railroad cars 1
Mine safety 1
Missouri River 1
Nahant (S.D.) 1
National cemeteries 1
∧ less
Danish 1
Homestake Mining Company 20
Bjorge, Guy Norman 2
Black Hills Power and Light Company 2
Grier, Thomas Johnston 2
Haggin, James Ben Ali, 1822-1914 2
∨ more
Homestake Mining Company. Geology Department 2
McMaster, Samuel, -1884 2
Mitchell, Steven 2
United States. Department of Agriculture 2
United States. Forest Service 2
Abrahams Aerial Survey Corp. 1
Aero Service Corporation 1
Allan Spector and Associates Limited 1
Anchor Mountain Mining Company 1
Aronson, James 1
Averill, C.C. 1
Backman, Richard L. 1
Badger Clark Memorial Society 1
Barnes, Phil 1
Barnett, Irene A. 1
Barrick Gold Corporation 1
Beardshear, Fred 1
Beardshear, W.D. 1
Bentz, Carlos 1
Berry, James 1
Beta Sigma Phi 1
Bidgood, Thomas W. 1
Black Hills Canal and Water Company 1
Black Hills Playhouse (Theater group) 1
Black Hills State College 1
Black Hills State University 1
Black Hills Transportation Co. 1
Blackstone, Richard, 1843-1922 1
Bliss, Cornelius N. 1
Bond, William D. 1
Bridge, Margaut 1
Britz, Kevin Mark, 1954-2011 1
Burnett, W.H. 1
Caddey, Stan 1
Calaboga Mining Company 1
Caledonia Gold Mining Company 1
Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad Company 1
Church, John 1
Clark, Allan J. 1
Clark, Bowen 1
Clark, Donald E. 1
Clark, R.A. 1
Coburn, Bill 1
Cole, Jack 1
Coleman, B. 1
Colorado School of Mines 1
Columbus Consolidated Mining Company 1
Cusick, James 1
Dakota Mining Company 1
Deadwood Terra Mining Company 1
Deadwood Zinc and Lead Mining Company 1
Dittman, Allen 1
Dodson, Glen 1
Dodson, Harold 1
Driscoll, Robert E. 1
Duke, Edward F. 1
Duthie, George A. 1
Edison Manufacturing Company (1889-1926) 1
Edmunds, Carl 1
Ericson, Earle E. 1
Estes, James W. 1
Evergreen Foundation (United States) 1
Fantone, Kenneth Scott 1
Father DeSmet Consolidated Gold Mining Company 1
Fleeger, Robert 1
Fort, Richard 1
Frackelton, William 1
Frawley, Henry 1
Gackle, Gerald 1
Geological Survey (U.S.) 1
Giegengack, Robert 1
Gilles, Albert P. 1
Golden Gate Mine and Timber Company (South Dakota) 1
Golden Gate Timber Company 1
Gould, Carl A. 1
Halbe, Doug 1
Hallager, William Sherman 1
Hank, Harney 1
Hansen, Gale 1
Harmon, Wendell H. 1
Hatch, John 1
Hearst, George 1
Hearst, Phoebe Apperson 1
Hickel, M.R. 1
Hidden Fortune Mining Company 1
Highland Mining Company 1
Hitchcock, E.A. 1
Hoffman, A.F. 1
Homestake Aid Association 1
Homestake Ladies' Auxiliary (1910-1989) 1
Homestake Mining Company. Mining Department 1
Hubbard, Todd 1
Hunter, H.C. 1
Jackson, Orle M. 1
Jardine Mining Company 1
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