Found in 37 Collections and/or Records:
A-1-025A -- Plat of Lot at 624 Washington St., 1980-12-12
Drawn by: C.N. Heinen
Scale: 1" = 20'
Drawing features two building outlines labeled as "House - 624 Washington St." and "Two Stall Garage Not Included" next to Washington Street, in Lead, South Dakota. Also featured on this drawing is M.S. 1524 St. Paul, M.S. 753 Lark, and M.S. 1202 Gold Run.
A-1-025B -- Garage Permit No. 624 Washington St., 1980-12-12
Drawn by: C.N. Heinen
Scale: 1" = 20'
Drawing features two building outlines that are labeled as "House // 624 Washingston St." and "2 Stall Garage // Permeit (1980)" next to Washington Street in Lead, South Dakota. Also featured on this drawing is M.S. 753 Lark, M.S. 1524 St. Paul, and M.S. 1202 Gold Run.
A-1-034 -- Plat Showing HMC Permits at East End of Railroad Ave., 1960-02-05
A-1-035 -- Plat Showing Permitted to City of Lead for Parking Lot on Miners Ave. and Permit to 501 Minerrs Ave., 1960-02-11, 1970-05-02
A-1-036 -- Plat Showing Perrmitted Area at 705 Highland Ave., 1960-02-12
Drawn by: C.N. Heinen
Scale: 1" = 20'
Drawing features a plat with a label "705" inside of it alongside Highland Avenue in Lead, South Dakota. Additional features include M.S. 742 Scotty Lode, M.S. 1100 Spring Lode, and M.S. 969 Old Times Lode.
A-1-037 -- Plat Showing Permitted Ground at East End of Second St. Taken From Crick's Map of City of Lead, 1960-03-02
Drawn by: C.N. Heinen
Scale: 1" = 50'
Drawing features an area labeled "Block E" next to Second Street, Third Street, and Chicago Avenue in Lead, South Dakota. This area features eleven lots. The drawn also states that this area is in the Bender Park Addition. Also featured on this drawing is M.S. 1508 Echo Frac, and M.S. 883 Chicago.
A-1-037A -- Plat Showing Permitted Ground at 204 Chicago Ave. and 11 Second St. Benderr Park Addition, 1960-03-01
Drawn by: C.N. Heinen
Scale: 1" = 20'
Drawing shows an area of Lot 1, Lot 2, Lot 3, and Lot 4 of Block "E" near Third Street, Second Street, and Chicago Avenue in Lead, South Dakota. There is a note that "bearings and distances from Crick's map."
A-1-037B -- Plat Showing Permitted Ground to 23 Second St. Bender Park Addition Clarence and Dorothy Tridle, 1960-02-29
Drawn by: C.N. Heinen
Scale: 1" = 20'
The drawing features an area with Lot 3, Lot 4. Lot 5, Lot 6, Lot 7, Lot 8, and Lot 9 of Block "E" next to Third Street and Second Street in Lead, South Dakota. The drawing also features M.S. 883 Chicago and M.S. 1508 Echo Fraction.
A-1-040 -- Plat Showing Permitted Area at 218 Miners Ave., 1960-03-29
Drawn by: C.N. Heinen
Scale: 1" = 20"
Drawing features a plat on Miners Avenue in Lead, South Dakota. The drawing also features M.S. 582 Gordon Lode and M.S. 487 Elephant Lode.
A-1-040A -- Plat Showing Permitted Ground at 218 Miners Avenue, 1969-08-21
Drawn by: C.N. Heinen
Scale: 1" = 20'
Drawing features an area with an outline of a building labeled "218" on Miners Ave in Lead, South Dakota. There is an aditional builing outline labeled as "308". Marked on the drawing are additional lots on Miner's Ave, and a city parking lot. Also featured on this drawing is M.S. 487 Elephant and M.S. 582 Gordon.